
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tearing Up Books

This post is not for the faint at heart.  It's not for the bibliophile or the ex-librarian.

Just because "everyone's doing it" doesn't make it right, I know. But, tearing up books has become a national (decorators) pastime.  I mean, really, when Pottery Barn does it?...  

Pottery Barn

But let me defend myself...I do love books.  And not just to decorate with.  I love to read.  Especially old books.  My favorites are those written in the 1940's.  Not only the classics but the simple little stories about a simpler way of life.

Putting that aside though,  Donna reminded me that I'm not above tearing up a book.  I did it *here* with a drill...

...without remorse. 

And just this week I did it again -- with my bare hands. 

 Just look how cute.

The first page was sort of cute but I thought a little color, a pretty botanical print
from (who else) The Graphic Fairy, would be nice.

I printed it out and tied it up nicely with a battered friend.

Instant gratification...


Time to vote again!!!
I'm a  Crafting with the Stars contestant along with my star, 
Char @ Crap I've Made.  

Well, today is the day!  Round three.  The poll is open and the competition is getting steep!!!

I wish I could tell you which project is mine because, frankly, these girls are fantastic and I could use the help.  But, I can't. It's against the rules.  So, you'll just have to guess.

 You get 3 votes.  Here's your easy button.  

Now go vote.

One more thing -- polls for this round close tomorrow night at 10pm MST.

If you enjoyed this post (and, gosh, I hope you did) please BECOME A FOLLOWER!


  1. Okay- it IS cute...but I don' know if I could do it myself;>O My father was taught literature long before I was born and I was raised with a love of all books. When we were making Valentines last week we wanted to use some printed pages...and I ripped some out of a (I must say it- CRUMMY READ) novel and used them. I LOVE the way the look -even the coverless wrapped long as I don't have to do it myself!;>) LOVE that page from The Graphics Fairy...isn't she awesome? Hugs- Diana

  2. Uhh...duhh..that was supposed to read...My father TAUGHT literature..Not WAS taught...he's probably rolling around right about now...

  3. Adorable! Re-purpose at its best...right!!! Love the planter & little bird...tweet sweet! I'm already a follower...come visit me sometime! Blessings, Cindy

  4. Oh, Lindy, I have done it too. I love tearing the covers off and using the beautiful "nakedness" underneath. (how weird does that sound) :)

    Yours look great and I love the botanical print on top of one of them.

  5. How sweet! I'm going to borrow this idea. Making my first slipcover and gettin frustrated!Think I'll tear up a book to vent and get something postive from it!

  6. OH Librarians eyes would tear at the sight of this post. Good thing I'm not one of them.. However, I do love the idea! I especially love how you planted in the book. Or, did you just place a container in the book with the plant in that? I would imagine the later as the pages would get wet! Creative!

  7. Oh, I love it!!! I'm an avid reader but do not mind using books to decorate and found the one with the plant and the cute bird statue to be too cute! I, too, wonder if it's a plant within a container. However, the plant would feed off the pages and the roots would spread ;)
    Now, I'm off to tear the cover off some oldies I have!

  8. I love it! I have seen so many of these around blog world lately. I may just have to join the club!

  9. I love it and promise not to turn you in to the book police.

  10. You do the cutest things! I forwarded that chest you decoupaged to my daughter in Tulsa. Loved it! Oh, I'd follow you anywhere.

  11. I know that this is the current thing but somehow it is lost on me...oh dear, hope that doesn't mean I am out of fashion.(-: I love to use books as decorative accents but not damaged ones...sorry. I do love the Graphic Fairy image you used.

  12. I love this project! I too felt funny about using books until I thought about the $1 dollar ones at the flea market...most of them are junk anyway and they are just sitting there waiting to be repurposed or upcycled, whatever you want to call it! I have shredded yellowing pages of junk paperbacks and used it for old looking filler for several projects. The covers can be used for altered notebooks and strips of the yellowed pages look great in collages. Great job on your project!

  13. @mary beth

    Mary Beth,
    I love the idea of shredded pages as filler -- cool.

    And, yes girls, the plant is in a container that slips down in the hole. There are no holes in the container so I water it lightly but the plant is still doing well!

  14. Yours is the best I have seen. I like that it still has color and looks really worn instead of torn up.

  15. Ah HA! I knew it... If it doesn't have a hole in the container than I'd say a succulent is best so you don't have to water it often.. like a cactus of sorts.. Thank you! :)

  16. Hi Lindy! Oh, my goodness you're brave! I think your little torn up books are really cute, but I don't think I could do it!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. I know I felt the same way about books in beginning. However, I have decided if I didn't like the book, than it would be okay :) I really liked this look with the graphic added.
    Thanks for sharing.

  18. I have done this for a few years now, and don't see anything wrong with the look. I know some people view the practice as sacrilegious, but I'm not destroying a first edition- just pulling the cover off of an old thrifted book! I particularly love your idea of using the book as a planter! Fantabulous, Lindy!

  19. I lover your gold tray! So pretty! Not sure if I could pull off the cover of a book!

  20. Your take on the naked book is my favorite in blogland. Very pretty and don't waste a minute feeling guilty!

  21. *swoon* used to work in libraries, and avid book lover...don't think I could do it. But, interesting idea!


  23. Hi Lindy, first of all, I love your blog, And thank you for such a cool post, and your preface. Second, I tend to love everything you do, your style and ideas are just so cool. I also love what you did here, it's a great project. I remember wayyyyyyy back in the 70's there was a project using old books that they taught in Girl Souts (my cousins were GS's not me) and you folded the pages, and painted them with gold and glitter etc. So working with old books is not so much new, I think it's just re-surfaced. I love seeing all the pretty old pages. But that being said, for me personally, I cannot do it. For me, one of my dream jobs has always been to write my own book. But I guess I just respect that "someone" put their heart and soul into which ever book it is. It's a bit like a music album. I'm not a downloader of music either. I just know so and so worked so hard on it, I feel the need to respect their work. I'm not at all offended by anyone who takes their work, and recycles so to speak, into something beautiful for their home. I just can't bring myself to do it. You've covered and handled this topic beautifully and tactfully by the way, kudos, xoxo tami

  24. I'm not against tearing up old books. If nobody is going to read them, it's better than seeing the really beat up ones sitting for years at the antique store or worse yet in the dump! I really like how you displayed your vignette.

  25. How pretty, Lindy! I just did the same thing and also included an explanation in defense of my book tearing! lol I actually found some antique Paris postcards to go on top of mine! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  26. This is gorgeous! I've been wanting to try the book bundle. Yours is absolutely inspiring! I'm a new follower! :)

    Come visit!


  27. Well, we must be kindred spirits! I have been tearing up books for some ten years! LOL! Love the planter!!!

  28. I haven't done the tearing of the books yet! But I love the print out your used from the GF. Give it a nice soft bit of color.

    Off to go vote now :)

  29. Love what you do with the books. To say I have a collection of old books is an understatement. Thanks for the inspiration

  30. Coming over from Brag Monday and a happy new follower! Your books are fabulous! I must admit I felt a little guilty too when I was ripping a part the ones I made recently!


  31. Hello Lindy,
    You're right - these books are everywhere - It is fun to find such in their natural state!
    Looks lovely,

  32. I loved these ideas!! Here's a shout out I gave you today!

  33. Great look. I made some "romance books" last week (drop by to see them, when your have time) and then some butterfly and insect ones for spring.

  34. Love how you've dressed up the naked books!

  35. You are so clever! What will you come up with next?!?!? Heading over to vote.... hope I pick yours.

  36. Now thats clever. Who would of thought of power tools used on books ~ Love that look.

  37. That is so beautiful! I just bought one off a fellow bloggers Etsy book and even there, I paid way less than what PB is asking! All you have to do is browse any antique mall or used bookstore and many of these books are just sitting waiting for someone to love them so I say go for it!!!

  38. Oooops, I meant Etsy SHOP...guess I have books on the mind now!

  39. Well, I've never done it yet.....but I sure love the look. Yours looks fabulous with the print from Graphics Fairy. Love your book planter, too.
    Just popped over from Karen's blog. TFS!

  40. Love the tray and your books are stunning. So much prettier with the cover page rather than being left plain. Fabulous idea. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  41. Hi Lindy, love that idea of turning a book into a little planter very cute. I love decorating with books and I love your blog you have a BEAUTIFUL home,I just became a follower. I just started a blog of my own and would love for you to stop on by. Martina

  42. Lindy ~ I love your book bundles, especially with that pretty graphics from TGF!!! It really does add a little feminine flair the the bundle. Gotta love those old books for repurposing! :)

    xoxo laurie

  43. I just did this myself a few days was hard! I really love the graphic you added, very pretty.

    I am having a giveaway on my blog and I would love it if you would stop by. Some vintage-y, handmade fun!

  44. SO CUTE! Just did some book 'remodeling' myself and put them in, what else, but a vase like PB :) Gotta love PB for inspiration. I love the colorful print on top of your books AND the nest implanted in the books. Clever and oh, so springy!

  45. This is a really awesome post! I would like to invite you to link it up to my link party, Masterpiece Monday, at my blog, Boogieboard Cottage. The link will be up all week. I hope you can join in the fun! Mary :O)

  46. I love the bird and the planter, but being married to an English Literature professor, there is just no way I could ever get away with anything other than reading a book.

  47. Gosh, I have this urge to go tear up some books !
    (did your muscles grow during this project ?)

  48. How cute your planter is. I haven't been able to bring myself to tear up books ....yet.

  49. Lindy, I am visiting from Transformation Thursday nice to meet you. I think I am the last person in the world that has not yet ripped up a book, but it is on my to do list, yours look great. I would like to try some to put in my booth. I am your newest follower. I don't wan to miss any more posts!


  50. I love to read, too. Though I haven't torn books up yet, I just might. I like what you've done. So pretty.

  51. I love this post and these ideas...and that is a HUGE compliment coming from a reading teacher!!!!! LOL...I am your newest follower! Hey...I could use some clever ideas for my old dictionaries that have fallen apart at school! Let me know if you have any! I have saved them in hopes that an idea would hit me in the head!!!!

  52. So fantastic! I love that you printed out a botanical for the top...genius! Thanks so much for linking up all of this loveliness to the Inspiration Friday party this week!

  53. I so agreed with you that books are not meant for reading but for decorating as well!.. you are so creative and clever using books as part of home decor! thanks for sharing. have a great weekend!

  54. had i known this before we emptied and gutted out my in-laws' house that has now become our own, i would have saved a lot of the gazillion books that we ended having to throw away because nobody wanted them! i think it's a beautiful idea, awesome way to recycle! and just gorgeous! visiting from at the picket fence

  55. wow, it turned out BETTER than pottery barns! i love it! saving this in my inspiration file

  56. Well, I'm not faint of heart, but I am definitely a bibliophile. I love, love, love books. And while I think the new PB trend of separating books from their binders looks really, really neat, I haven't had the courage to bring myself to do that yet. ;)

    Thanks for linking to the party this week, Lindy. Be sure to come by and enter the giveaway, as well.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  57. Nice job on the books!
    I have the same problem - I hate to tear up books. So I just go to the Salvation Army, get some books that no one was taking anyway and ones that I'll never read, and give them new life as art.

    I did the ones like Restoration Hardware - and "liberated their covers."

  58. Darling - I do love the old books without the covers- they are so neat looking! Love your vignette- it has given me an idea! :) Thanks and thank you for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  59. Okay, I'll have to admit that I started to feel a panic as I read your post and looked at the drill going through the books. But then I saw that one of them was 'Readers Digest Condensed Books.' Even that would be okay with me. LOL No loss there. But the others? Someday you'll see it on 'Antiques Roadshow' and it will be worth $30,000.

    Actually, I already have a few old books without the covers, so I wouldn't even have to rip the covers off. LOL Cute idea. :-)

  60. great idea, but I'm not sure I have the heart to do it.

    My brother has thousands of books, maybe I could steal some of his?



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