
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fall Cutout Pattern & Tutorial

The framed paper leaf from yesterday's Fall is in the Thrift Stores post was so easy and cheap and got so much attention 
(poor squirrel box is now in therapy) I decided to do 
a quick tutorial and give you guys some 
fall patterns of your very own.


I'm temporarily replacing family photos on my desk with the fall cutouts.  The original pictures are tucked safely behind them. 

Here's a look at the before....

And, the after...

Let's get started:

Size you patterns as needed and cut the pattern and the book page at the same time.  This saves a step...

Cut the acorn in two and placed it on the page in two different directions.  Clever me.
I used burlap, scrapbook paper and crumpled sandwich bags for the backgrounds.  Here's your patterns...

Now, go have some Fall Fun!


*To see the PARTIES I link to and to join in the fun,
or check out my sweet hostesses on my sidebar!

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If you enjoyed this post (and, gosh, I hope you did) please BECOME A FOLLOWER!


  1. Beautiful, elegant, simplicity.

  2. Dear Lindy: What a great idea for a quick change-up for any season! They look lovely! BTW - pls. visit my latest post - YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!

  3. My, my Lindy you are so creative!! I love those pictures!! They are great and I'm going to make some! Thanks for sharing with us!

  4. So nice of you to supply the patterns!

  5. Very cute project. Thanks for the tutorial!

  6. Oh those are adorable! I am going to have to try that!

  7. I'm so excited that you posted the pattern & how to. I really appreciate the tip on cutting out both the pattern & the book page at the same time. I would have never thought of that. Doy! I'm going to give this a try when I decorate for Thanksgiving.

  8. Great job, Lindy! It gives the area a clean, let's-change-the-scenery look and I'm not sure I would've thought to make TWO acorn patterns :D

  9. those are so cute and would last past halloween!!

    I also wanted to let you know that I am working on and trying to get out there something called "The Handmade Pact" & "Handmade Tuesdays." On Tuesday I feature someone for a tutorial (let me know if you ever want to be featured :) and then am also starting to have a linky where others can link up tutorials they have done on their blogs (can be from whenever. Just cannot be repeated on more than one linky). :) I am also wanting to feature etsy shops as well because not everyone can make things :) Have a great week!

  10. Thanks for your sweet comments on my post... I just see your frame transformation, its something very unique, very beautiful... love your paintings, i too love to paint, and have something, but I think I am not doing something good, can you please post a tutorial about something very simple just like some basics...
    Love you

  11. Lindy, that is such a FABULOUS idea. Totally clever but simple too. I'm definitely going to have to borrow this. Thanks for sharing. ~Sheilla

  12. this desk is simply too beautiful and elegant to be ignored, i really like the carving on its drawers, very vintage looking yet very elegant and very simply, gerat addition to a home and with mirror, it completes the picture

  13. This is a beautifully effective and economical touch of fall! I just love the look.
    And how smart to use burlap scrapbooking paper!
    I'm doing this Autumnal project.
    Thanks for the idea and the inspiration!

  14. Lindy,
    What a unique way to freshen up your table for Fall! Thank you for such an inspiring post and for sharing with all of us in blogland!

  15. That looks great, Lindy! I love subtle touches like that, wonderful!

  16. Lindy, I am so glad to see this post. I was one who loved the leaf print in the previous one.
    I'm so inpspired by this and hope to do some too. If I post about it, I'll give you a big old fat spot light of appreciation!

  17. Thanks so much for the great patterns! I just love anything that has typography. Will have to give this a try...I wonder how this technique would look on a fall greeting card?

  18. This is adorable-now if I could just find my burlap!

  19. Wow!! That is just so darling! I love the frames you chose.
    I'd love for you to stop by and check out the fun giveaway going on at my blog this week!

  20. Very cute! I will have to try this!

  21. Love the idea of using book pages and the simple shapes. A perfect little trio together.

  22. Oh WOW, these are darling!!! You are really talented!!! I love this idea and your home is gorgeous too!!! Thanks so much for linking this up to the Creative Spirit Challenge. Awesome!

  23. Those are so cute and so easy! I love them!

    Visiting from TT&J

  24. What a clever idea! Thanks for sharing this tutorial - can't wait to make mine :)
    Your blog is fabulous, by the way!

  25. Very cleaver idea. I am going to make some for myself. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Beautiful Fall leaves! Thank you for sharing a tutorial with us!

  27. Really nice end result and I always prefer the simple, organic look for fall decorating in lieu of the brights. Your project reminded me of Alisa Burkes wreath tutorial this week. Enjoy :)

  28. These are adorable Fall decor! It is so sweet of you to give us the patterns!

  29. Gorgeous!!! And I love those frames too!

  30. What a lovely unique idea! The wonderful frames take this one over the top!


  31. Love your idea and thanks so much for the pattern!


  32. thanks for the patterns they are really cute

  33. Looks like fun! Thanks for sharing your patterns!

  34. So lovely! I love the simplicity of it while still being creative and fun. What does your family have to do to get their pictures back in the frames? LOL! Lisa~

  35. very simple but tasteful NOW why didn't I think of this? lol thank you for visiting and leaving a comment on 'My Caravan Photo Log' much appreciated. Judith

  36. arghh! I knew as soon as I sent those photo frames to the charity garage sale I would want them for something...and they've only lurked about the place for 2 or 3 years...

  37. How cute! What a great idea for changing out the look of your picture frames. You could pic any kind of paper and make them to match your decor. I'm visiting from It's so Very Creative.

  38. I love this idea and may have to "borrow" it from you!!


  39. We all agree you are the clever one. I know I won't get around to making these but I really like them .


  40. Hey Lindy! I am coming over from It's So Very Cheri! I was needing a leaf pattern, so this just jumped out at me! I love it and love how you have temporarily replaced the photos for a fall display! Christie at Three Pixie Lane
    Oh! I think you mentioned that you were having a fall party...I just posted another table display that will be up for our wedding shower in two is 'Dining Out...Outside!' I hope I am not confusing you with someone else! I hope I win the lovely! I will check out your ETSY site! Thanks!

  41. Beautiful, adorable, gorgeous : ) Love it, love it, LOVE it!!

  42. I love this! So cute! Visiting from It's So Very Cheri. :)


  43. These are gorgeous! You never stop amazing me with your creations!

  44. I just wanted to stop by & say thanks for the comment and for following me. & thx for this tutorial. I was browsing your blog and you do so much and are so talented!!! I wish you lived close to me, I swanee I'd just take you wiht me somewhere so you could maybe teach me some of your "mind tricks". (LOVE those jingle bell acorns!) I think it is SO amazing that you can "see" with your creative eyes. I apss things up usually but I think I am strting to see a little more creatively. Maybe one day I can be a creative genius like you...yeah right... But at least I can get inspiration form your wonderful blog! =0)

  45. Love this1 So simple, but a great display!

  46. This is great thanks so much for the patterns I can't wait to make these. What great ideas for the backgrounds as well.

    :) Michelle

  47. Cute idea. I love the frames too. Thanks for sharing the patterns and instructions. I am going to try them. Annette

  48. Way cute! I love the acorn one! Funny how your family pictures got demoted haha!

    - Michelle @ Bunch of Craft

  49. I am visiting from Cheri's blog hop today, but I am a follower of yours already. I posted my version of this on Cheri's site- yours look much better! Anyway I wanted to let you know that I gave you a shout out and the credit on my blog post. Thanks for sharing with us.

  50. What a GREAT idea, thanks so much for the tutorial and the patterns. I can see this being really beautiful for Christmas too, a different pattern of course, but you get my drift!
    Hugs, Cindy

  51. So elegant and beautiful, bravo:)))
    Greetings from Europe, Biljana

  52. i love them! thanks for the patterns! and those frames are to die for!


  53. This is beautiful! I featured it on my blog today! :]

  54. I can't believe I haven't commented on these yet. Of course they look wonderful and it's a great, easy, inexpensive idea. Hugs, Kim

  55. Simple and beautiful...a couple of my favorite things ;o)

  56. Just wanted to let you know, I featured this today on my blog! :)

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Gosh...what did I do??? I deleted my comment!
    Just wanted to say thank you for this wonderful but easy idea! I have some leftover music sheets, I think that would look nice too!

  59. Lovely! What a fun project. I LOVE the end result. very pretty! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  60. Another fabulous project, Lindy. I like how you used the same frames "temporarily" just for the season.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  61. Love it! We gave you a shout-out on our blog today:

    Suz + Sarah

  62. You are so craft and clever and creative! I love these to pieces and you made them so easy with your great patterns. Thanks!!

  63. Great tutorial! I really love the frame in the first picture. Did you paint it yourself, or buy it like that?


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