
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Repurposing Dust Bunnies

Not really... But, please! please! please! let me be the one to come up with THAT idea.  

I have a friend who includes dust bunnies on her list of family pets.  
I myself use them as a “protective coating” on almost any surface in the house, but
I'm sure they have some other hidden potential.
Otherwise, why would God make them so plentiful?

Even if I can't yet repurpose dust bunnies I can repurposed these vintage light covers...
Repurposed Vintage Light Cover Tutorial

I've made hanging lanterns out of them for my fence.

You will need:
  1. Discarded light cover with a lip.  I think it would be cute to use a mason jar as well.
  2. Flexible heavy gauge wire
  3. Wire cutters
  4. Small solar light (purchased from Walmart's garden department for $2.50)
  5. Clear silicon 
  6. Hook for hanging

 Cut a length of wired about 10" longer than the circumference of the mouth of the light cover.
Twist the wire around the mouth of the cover forming two equal sized loops on each side. 
Snip off the extra stuff.

Cut a piece of wire for the handle.  Mine was about 22".  Using wire pliers, bend and curl the
ends, threading through each loop like you see in the picture.

Now, disassemble the solar light.  Just twist it's little tail right off.
You have to pull the little orange strip you see in the picture out to activate the light.

 It's hard to see but there is a little screw up in the open end of the light.  I put a little glob of 
silicon over the screw to block any moisture from getting into the light.

I just dropped the light down into the glob, making sure the light cell was 
facing up and open to the sun so it could do it's thing.  One of the globes was too large 
for the light to stand up in on its own so I used a large glob of glue 
in the bottom of it to hold the light upright.

The lights look great at night and really brighten up this little corner of my yard.


   There's no fire or anything but I did just find this really cute, 
easy solar light project at Bobbypins Boardwalk 
 -- another super way to use the solar lights we found at 
Walmart for $2.50.  Check!  it!  out!

*To see the parties I link to and to join in the fun, CLICK HERE!

Linked to: DIY SHOW OFF
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  1. You are hilarious! And I like your light repurpose too. :)

  2. You are SO talented!!! LOVE this idea!!! be SURE to let us know when you figure out what to do with the "bunnies"!
    Hugs, Donna

  3. I love your reference to dust bunny,,, I have a few of them too, which i will send on their way by the end of the month. Lindy, I've started a new link party if you are interested I'd love to share some of your awesome ideas. Thanks girl!!!

  4. Once again- fabulous idea Lindy!! I'm thinking I'm gonna have to make a trip to the local ReStore. =)

  5. I've awarded you with the "One Lovely Blog Award". Please come by my site to check it out.

    You can pass along if you like.

  6. That dust bunny is too cute! But these lanterns, wonderful! You are talented, not sure I could pull this off! Just came over from Mod Vintage Life, so happy to find you and happy to be your newest follower!

  7. I love this idea..I have some glass lanterns hanging in the tree and I have to use this idea and add the solar lights! Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. This is such a great idea. I see those old light covers everywhere.
    Thanks Monica

  9. I HAD to hit your party thumbnail to see your version, and these are really cute! I've been using old jars for mine, c'mon over and see!

  10. LOVE it!!! Thanks so much for linking up to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

  11. awesome idea :D thanks so much for sharing.

  12. Cool idea...they look great. You might want to go back and put some kind of clear sealer or spray paint on the wire because it may rust in the weather. You can just slide scraps of paper under the wire that is around the globe so that you can spray it and you know you would also need to wrap some paper around the globe so it doesn't get any spray on it. I am going to make some of these...thanks for the idea.

  13. How clever! I love to see things repurposed in unique ways.

    I, too, recently repurposed several old light covers. You can see my transformation here:

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


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