
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blog Award!!!

Thanks ever so much!
Nita at
Mod Vintage Life
honored me with this award!

Thank you, Nita. 

Now I am to tell 7 things about myself.

1. Thank and link back to the person that gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself that others may not know. Below.
3. Pass the award to at least 4 fellow bloggers who inspire you.
4. Let them know you gave them an award.

Seven Things About Me...

I am a new blogger -- only one month old.  I have to wonder how old that is in dog years...
Lexi & Lizza Jane

I love blogging.  I think it makes me seem cool ( although just the fact that I'm using the word 
"cool" is proof positive I'm not)
 I think I have Face Recognition Disorder.  I would try to make a joke out of this except it really isn't all that funny.  Well, maybe there was that one time....

I have watched You've Got Mail probably a 100 times.  I know all the words.  It's my "go to" movie when I need a pick-me-up.  Tom Hanks, a diet Dr. Pepper and a Snickers bar and 
I can get over just about anything.

 Was this apartment to die for or what?

I am a purger. I get rid of stuff. Sometimes I get rid of stuff I need.  I practice the 
"one in, one out" method of closet control.  

I am a magazine-aholic. And, I'm unapologetic about it. This is in direct contradiction to
#5 -- I am a purger -- but , hey it's my problem.  I'm dealing with it.
I have never caught a man on fire before, unlike Nita @ Mod Vintage Life.  However, I am not dead yet -- there is still time.


If you enjoyed this post (and, gosh, I hope you did) please BECOME A FOLLOWER!


  1. "Lindy" I think you are "SUPER"!!! You are one of my #1s... LOVED your answers... NOW, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for awarding Lil'ME!!! I am as new to this as You are, OH MY you are WAY ahead of me though, I don't have a clue how to move those LINKYS around, and ever since I spent a day working on one of my posts to get it "JUST RIGHT" and then I "Linkied" and something went "WRONG" and deleted EVERYTHING blank!!! I did a "Little UNhappy Dance"(OK it was a "BIG UNhappy Dance") then I sat there and "CRIED"!!! NOW I'm paranoid...HOW do I answer this award??? HELP??? Oh again, Thank you AND HUGS, Donna

  2. I just came across your blog - love the creative aspect and the way you repurpose objects. The entry hall post was super. And the kitchen...well, what can I say, except amazing!

    Stop by and visit me sometime.(-:

  3. How clever you are with all your re-purposing projects. Very nice, indeed.

    ~ Yaya

  4. I can't belive you have been blogging for only a month! I just started in July. And you are "Cool!" I'm not too computer savy. Ha ha Still learning. Love your blogg! Love what you are doing to your home! Keep the inspiration coming.

  5. Thank you SO much for the award!!! I am a few months into the whole blogging thing, and loving it. (Mostly because of all the amazing people I am meeting!) Thanks again!

  6. I really like your blog! I think we may share an affliction - unfortunately for me it's not the habitual purging of my closet - with the facial recall difficulty. I've heard of something called prosopagnosia.

    Of course, I'm a blog-aholic, too. But that led me to your charming blog. Keep the great ideas coming!

  7. Thank you for my award! I can't believe you've only been blogging for a month! Your blog is so's one of my fav's already. I will be posting my award, answers and hadning mine our sometime next week after I get semi-settled in Alaska. You are an inspiration for me for sure.

  8. Loved your list of things about you except you cheated and used me as #7! I need to purge more. I used to be a magazine-aholic but blogs have replaced them. Thanks for doing this...I got to got visit the blogs you passed it on to. Very nice.

  9. @Kelly

    Thanks for the info. I was not allowed to reply by email but if you read this please email me. I'd like to ask you some questions...

  10. I am with you on "You've Got Mail"; I can't even tell you how many times I have watched all or part of the movie, but the end brings a tear to my eyes every time! I too am a purger ( my husband is definitely not a purger) and a magazine/blogaholic.

    Thanks for the great, really cool blog ;)

  11. I am a purger too, glad I am not alone-but I am married to a PACK RAT!

  12. I am totally fascinated not only with your home, but your ideas! And you're so new to the blogging world! Girl, you rock. I will be giving you a shout out from my site and I'll let you know when and give a link. I'm so happy that I found you! (via Perfectly Imperfect!)

  13. Where I can identify with you:
    My next dog will be a Yorkie.
    I love blogging.
    I've seen You've Got Mail so many times, I've lost count.
    I, too, am a you would so keenly recognize as you tripped over them everywhere around the cottage. ;)

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


I'm excited you're leaving a comment. I can't wait to read it...L.