
Monday, April 4, 2011

Re-pillowing (with video tutorial)

This is a good look -- if I may say so.

But, when we have guests over, they sometimes look around, like a deer in the headlights, for a place to sit.

I have to admit, with all those pillows, my sofa looks a little...well...complicated.

I decided to go for a cleaner look when I found this yard of fabric for around $5.  Jealous?  

I love the fabric with the rug -- the only real color or pattern in the room.

Using a queen sized down bed pillow I found at the "Maxx" for $14.99 and a scrap of bronze colored silk for trim, this ginormous pillow cost me around 20 smackers....what a deal!

Making the awesome trim is easy even if explaining it isn't.  

I cut 2-1/2" strips of silk 3 times as long as the length of trim I need when finished.  What on earth did I just say?  Let's try that again...

Say I need 1 yard of trim.  I would cut strips of fabric 2-1/2" wide and would need 3 yards of it when stitched end to end.  I hope that's better.

I fold the strip in half and stitch down the center, sewing little tucks in as I go. 

Grab some popcorn and watch the video for details.  
It's my first so I hope you enjoy it!!!

Once you get the hang of it, this goes really fast.  I was able to make enough trim for my pillow in about 10 minutes.  

Now you have the perfect 5/8" pleated trim with a perfect 5/8" flang for stitching.

Here's the new look...

If you enjoyed this post (and, gosh, I hope you did) please BECOME A FOLLOWER!


  1. Love the pillow Lindy,the couch looks sooooooooooo inviting!
    Hugs, Amy

  2. You are right - that fabric is absolutely gorgeous. Great job on the pillow.

  3. Great pillow, Lindy! I do my ruffles and pleats the same way, except I don't go down the middle, just closer to one edge. I'm sure it would make a professional cringe, but it works best for me. The gathering thing never works for me and I just wind up frustrated!

  4. This is terrific. I know exactly how to make the explained it perfectly! I agree about sofas filled with family just throws the pillows on the floor. I try to be a good sport about it because secretly I agree...but I love pillows too much to give them up. Great post. ~Ann

  5. I just love that fabric! What an excellent choice for bringing some color into the room. Great tutorial, too!

  6. Lindy- She's a beauty! Love the trim-perfect finish! xxoo Diana

  7. Lindy your re do is beautiful!! I would love to sit on your beautiful sofa!! I am going to watch your video to learn how to make the trim!

  8. The new look is indeed simpler and better. I also love your home pieces. The candle holder on the wall and the side table. You have a nice and comfortable place!

  9. Love that pillow...I am one of those people who just freezes and wonders where I am supposed to sit..too many pillows say "don't sit here" to me!!

  10. Love this, you could sell this stuff! I like the new look so much better, not a symmetrical girl.

  11. Beautiful pillow, I love the fabric. What a great way to add trim, very effect and quite pretty. Thanks.(-:

  12. I know what you mean about the multitude of pillows. But I just can't help myself! Good for you with your pillow reducing!

  13. You're right. I am jealous of that fabric. It's awesome. Also love the finished pillow. Liked the before but also like the after. Have a great week.

  14. This is so funny! My sofa resembles the before pic...perfectly arranged decorative pillows that people always look at like "Should I sit there?" and then they look around and see no where else to sit so they do and then I'm all freaked because they are squishing my pillows! Seriously...I can't wait for them to get up and as soon as they are out the door I am fluffing pillows.

    I need to follow your example.

  15. Wonderful pillow...that fabric is TDF for sure!!
    And that trim...sigh!!!!!
    I have to say though, that I liked all the pillows in the first picture!! Better! But I love pillows! I always tell folks to throw them on the floor and sit...!!! The looks on their faces is priceless!! Ha!

  16. Ruffles, especially silk ruffles are perfection! I love the sass and class they give your pretty pillow.
    Thanks for the easy and well done tutorial. I will certainly makea ruffled pillow. It is so easy!!!!
    Wonderful post!

  17. That pillow is gorgeous Lindy! I love the colors and pattern and it draws the eye in a terrific way!!

  18. Thanks for posting that great tutorial! I DO think your sofa looks more inviting with your new is beautiful (AND you probably saved yourself about $100 or so by making it yourself).

  19. How fun!!! That pillow is AMAZING!! My sister and I just started a blog and would love any comments or tips on making an amazing blog like this one!
    I Love this blog SO much! thanks for that awesome tutorial..

  20. I love your new pillow. The video helped me understand what you were saying. But then again, I have always learned better by watching it actually being done rather than by reading instructions. Thanks for sharing! :o)

  21. Hi Lindy...
    beautiful transformation... Although your before was also beautiful and very decent but that cushion gives your sofa a new colour and a new life... beautiful job

  22. Beautiful pillows...I love the trim.

  23. Love that trim. Hey! I have the same rug as you!

  24. Beautiful, I love the color it adds to th sofa. You did a great job.

    Cha Cha

  25. I wish I had a sewing machine to do this! It's such a nice to a pillow. I'm sure I'm not the first or last to ask this but do you mind sharing the name of the color on your living room wall? It's so pretty :) Thanks!

  26. Love your pillow. The fabric and the ruffle edge are just perfect. Thanks for sharing.

  27. Ok, this is just what I've been looking easy way to make nice pillows!!!
    Love your blog, btw.



  28. Hi Lindy, Everytime my husband sits on the sofa he takes EVERY pillow off! Even the ones that are on the other side of the sofa. Love the fabric and trim of your new pillow. Thank you so much for sharing this at my party.

  29. That really turned out gorgeous. Your way looks so easy. I wish I saw it earlier. I just bought a ruffler attachment to make some. I hope it works out. I have quite a bit to make for a lampshade.

  30. Love.. love the pillow!! gorgeous!!

  31. Hi Lindy! Oh, I'm jealous! I love your new pillow. The fabric is gorgeous and aren't you the smartest one making that pretty trim! :) Love it.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  32. That's great trim and your video "explains" it beautifully. Thanks for sharing!

  33. Even after seeing you make it (and trying to make it sound easy) I am amazed at people like you who can see it and then do it (perfectly). Beautiful pleated trim.


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