
Monday, October 4, 2010

Jingle Bells Turned Acorns? -- Sure!

It's amazing the things you'll tell in a blog that you wouldn't even want your next of kin to know, but, here goes... When I saw these huge jingle bells for $2.49 at Goodwill I immediately thought ACORNS!  

Nuts, I know.  You've got to be wondering about me but this is just how my mind works, when it's working-- always looking at 
things in a "different" way and then 
(I couldn't stop myself if I wanted to) acting on it.  

I bought the bells along with all these other treasures, for about $15, at thrift stores, to put together a fall look for my house.  My next post, I'll show what I did with all this stuff!

Let's get started...
  1. Tear a lunch bag into small pieces.
 2.  Using Mod Podge, coat small areas at a time, put a piece of paper on the area you coated,

      and brush on another coat of Mod Podge.  Repeat this process, overlapping the paper,
      until the bells are completely covered.  WARNING--This made one sticky mess.
 3.  After the bell is dry, add a "dot" of hot glue to the bottom of the acorn.  Once cooled, cover
      with paper the same as before.  This can't be done before the bell is covered because of the
      holes in the bottom of the bell.

 4.  Using dark brown acrylic craft paint, paint the "caps" of the acorn. 
5.   Using antique gold acrylic craft paint, paint random X's on the cap.

6.   Cut pieces of twig about 1/2" long and hot glue to top of cap.

And, there you have it...

My guess is, there are gobs of creative folks out there who think exactly the same way I do, saying to themselves, "I love that, now how can I change it!".  Leave me a comment and fess up!


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*To see the parties I link to and to join in the fun, CLICK HERE!
I love to display the parties I'm attending 
on my post the day of the party!
I'm linking up to--

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  1. Oh my word! I love how you think. Your acorns are super sweet!!!

  2. Priceless...I like how you think...these are great!!!

  3. I'm always reading how fellow blogs are finding amazing finds at Goodwill.

  4. Kiana and I have to stop by there sometime soon!

  5. I think this is brilliant! Love the hot glue at the bottom to complete the acorn look. That was amazing. Thanks for the inspiration, I'm off to tear up some brown paper sacks and make something.

  6. I KNOW I don't think like you! You have such a creative mind that never seems to sleep!

  7. Oh how I wish I could think like you! You are so creative!The acorns are so cute. I have seen them in the stores and they are so pricey. I love to shop Goodwill too. If I really mess something up I haven't spent an arm and a leg.Thanks for sharing.... now to find me some bells!

  8. Very cute, Lindy. I never would have thought of this :).

  9. I thought I was a bit creative - but I have to admit I wouldn't have thought of that - but I love it!

  10. How ingenious!! They are wonderful!!

  11. Very nifty - I'm not sure I would have thought of it; I'm always amazed at the ways in which different people can see things. I love them, I think they turned out fantastic!

  12. dang how cute clever clever clever you get the clever award.....i love em!!

  13. Lindy, you are one clever girl. I love the acorns! Thanks for visiting me and I'm adding you to my blog roll so that I'll remember to visit often.

  14. i love the acorns.... it will be hard for a squirrel to carry those off! i think that is a great idea....too cute..

  15. I love acorns - they are like food for my imagination. Those bells are huge and the project is awesome.

  16. Love these acorns! What a great eye you have...jingle bells to acorns. Very inspiring :)

    Looking forward to exploring your blog more.

  17. So creative! I absolutely love the acorns.

  18. Lindy- What a cute idea. I always look for the "hidden" aspects of things too. Don't you love it when you see opportunity and someone else sees junk? You did a great job on those and thanks for the tutorial! hugs- Diana

  19. Hi Lindy...

    Ohhh my goodness...what a creative gal you are! Girlfriend, I don't know if I would have ever thought of making acorns out of the jingle bells but they are sooo perfect! I have seen those large bells before...hmmm, now I will have to keep my eyes out for them! Loved how you used the torn paper and you painted them sooo pretty! Girl, you did GOOD!!! Thank you for sharing this grand idea and the "how to's" as well! I love it!!!

    Can't wait to see what all you do with your new treasure finds!

    Warmest autumn wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  20. Super cute! They look great :)

  21. Yep, it really does look like an acorn! REally cool!

  22. oh so cute..I could see a basket full of these on a table. I cant think of a thing to do different right now. I'm just wondering what I could make an acorn out of besides a bell. Thanks for sharing how you did it. I'm a new follower.

  23. I tend to pick up bells of all sizes knowing someday I will have to have it. Well, you just gave me a "Someday Excuse." Love the extra glue dot on the bottom. Down to the last detail.
    Acorns are lucky, you know.

  24. Those are fabulous, I've been in love with acorns lately but haven't found the way to make any for my house.

  25. These turned out great - and I got to say, I LOVE that when you saw jingle bells you thought acorns!!


  26. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I linked to this post today from the Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :)

    Your feature will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here

    If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!

  27. I love it!!! I think they just made me your newest follower!

  28. Those are just too cool! What a great idea!

  29. Hi. I'm your newest follower from the Wednesday link up. Lovely blog:) You can find me at

    LOve the acorns

  30. Love it. I wish my mind worked this way. I am more of a copy cat. Great stuff.

    I am a new follower!

  31. How crafty you are! Had to follow after seeing these!

  32. I swear, I never would've 'seen' acorns. And I love acorns! What a great tute!

    Please, please link 'em up Sunday to Passion for Paint, okay? So many fun elements to the project besides just paint!

    (I shoulda known when I clicked on the little thumbnail that it'd take me to Cottage Hill!)

  33. I LOVE these! What a brilliant idea! They turned out so cute! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  34. Hey!
    Nice to meet you!
    I just saw you picture and link over at Donna's SNS and had to stop by. I love acorns and think your idea is ingenious and they turned out fabulous! Now if only I would find such huge jingle bells over here.
    Sending you warmest wishes from Boxwood Cottage in Germany!
    P.S.: Hope your neighbors will not read your blog ;-)

  35. Hi Lindy, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog & for the nice comment. I'm so glad I was able to find you as well & see all these great fall ideas. The "acorn/bell" is so ingenious! I'm impressed!

    Warmly, Michelle

  36. Thanks for linking up today, Lindy! Can't wait to see what you've got in store for the holidays!!!

    I just started a feng shui blog today, if you'd like to stop by -

  37. That is amazing! I never would have thought of that! I LOVE acorns, but have had no success recreating them in a large size! This is a genius idea!!!

  38. What a terrific idea, Lindy! Thinking outside the box just proves you're a dyed-in-the-wool DIYer. ;)

    Thanks for linking to my party. I look forward to having you join me each week.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


I'm excited you're leaving a comment. I can't wait to read it...L.